Sunday Services

The church meets every Sunday at 10:30. It helps to get there 15 minutes early to get a parking spot.
We meet at:
Trinity Church
Park Lane
Knebworth SG3 6PD
You can expect a warm welcome, great worship, an impacting preach and a friendly bunch of people gathering to learn more about God.
Our services are a mixture of praise, through the singing of hymns and songs; of prayer; of telling the story of the things God has done in the Bible; and of reflecting - usually aided by preaching - on what it means to be people of God today. The music is a mixture of both contemporary and traditional and our preachers and leaders of worship will often use creative ways to seek to convey God's message and to enable us to make it our own.
We have recently (May 2024) welcomed a new minister, Revd Stan Chatikobo, who has come from the Presbyterian Church of Zimbabwe, and been appointed to the URC Thames North Synod pastorate group of Trinity Knebworth LEP, Ashwell and Walkern & Sandon URCs. Revd Stan is getting to know the pastorate group and the area, and is now preaching regularly. Being an LEP (Local ecumenical partnership) we are also supported by local preachers from the North Herts. Methodist Circuit, and also our own specially-trained worship-leaders.
We enjoy varied forms of worship, including occasional Cafe Worship, and Open Church Sundays, where the service will be opened by a worship leader and then the floor is open, so bring along a bible passage, poem, reflection, hymn or song, prayer and share with all who are gathered, or just come along and listen, you may feel inspired whilst there. All are welcome.
Once a month the service will be a service of Holy Communion. This is similar in format to any other service, but includes the sharing of bread and (non-alcoholic) wine, in a tradition that is rich in symbolism, and dates back to the very beginning of Christianity. All are welcome to take the bread and the wine. The bread and wine, in small individual glasses, will be brought to the congregation where they are seated, and you are welcome to take, eat and drink - but there is no difficulty at all if you prefer not to receive. All are welcome to the service. The bread and the wine symbolise the body and the blood of Jesus, and sharing them in this way serves as a reminder that Jesus values humankind so much that he gave up his life for all of us; and that by his subsequent resurrection and defeat of death, he calls us now to share his life.
Very occasionally, we will join with another church and worship elsewhere on a Sunday morning, afternoon or Evening often in connection with our partnership in the Knebworth Family of Churches. So please do check the Church calendar for the latest information.
We have a fantastic programme for children at the church, that we call Sunday Club.
At the moment the young people go straight in to Sunday club at the start of the service and join us later to share what they have been doing. You are welcome to stay for the main service while your children attend Sunday Club, or to accompany them if you prefer.
For more information about what happens in the children's work please visit the Children page.
After the service tea, coffee and biscuits are served in the church hall.
We would love you to come and join us!
If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry we will be happy to help. Please Contact Us for more information.