One Truth is Trinity's Youth Group, however this is currently on a break. See church Calendar for details of its return.
One Truth was established in September 2018 and complements Sunday Club (the Sunday school that meets during Sunday morning worship). One Truth is led by Kate, one of our Elders, together with a skilled team of volunteers.
One Truth is a parent-free zone, and provides a great space in which for us to get to know each other better, to grow in friendship and, with a Christian focus, to share in activities and issues that we would like to pursue as a group. This all takes place in a relaxed environment, with games and tasty treats, and is proving to be great fun for young and leaders alike!
As some of the members have moved on to higher education or work, and others are ivolved in end of school exams, the group now meets on an ad-hoc basis..
One Truth is different from the Friday evening Knebworth Youth Project (the youth club that runs at Trinity Church), in that One Truth is more of a 'church' activity, with a definite faith focus. Of course, while the young people who come to One Truth tend to be those who come to church, all friends (from age 11 through to teenage years) are very welcome to come along and join in too.
A One Truth regularly gets involved in other activities.. Most of the group have travelled to Southport for a weekend in November, for the Methodist Church's annual national youth event 3Generate. We had a festive meal together at the Toby Carvery to celebrate Christmas and two members visited Taizé in France in July 2022.
If you would like to know more, just come along! See the Church Calendar for details – If you would like to know more, just come along or contact Kate Dickinson, whose email address is: katedickinson72@gmail.com.