Young People

Trinity Church has its own youth fellowship group, One Truth, which meets on an ad-hoc basis. To find out more about this click here.
In addition, Trinity Church plays an active role in the Knebworth Youth Project, which is a joint enterprise between Knebworth Family of Churches (KFC) and the community at large. It has a management committee, consisting of representatives of the churches in Knebworth, the Parish Council, the community in general and individuals directly concerned with the running of the clubs.
Funding is provided on a regular basis by Trinity Church's Borne Bequest and Knebworth Village Trust and on an occasional basis by North Herts District Council, Hertfordshire County Council and some local commercial enterprises, and more recently, by donations from other Knebworth Family of Churches members. Occasional fund raising events are also run by KFC. Trinity Church provides the use of its premises. This generous support from the churches and community means that membership of the clubs can be free at the point of use.
At the moment the project operates one Friday club for young people in school years 6 to 9 in term time from 18:30 until 21:00 and occasionally in school holidays by arrangement. Craft activities are always popular and most evenings finish with soft football in the large hall. Evenings are usually themed and we have had street dancing, cooking, film nights, Knebworth’s got talent and trash fashion is always popular
If you would like someone to contact you to explain how you can help with the Knebworth Youth Project, please send an email to
N.B. The Youth Project does not have its own website but it does have a closed group on Facebook.
Other relevant links are shown below. Click on the logo to go to the appropriate site.
YC Hertfordshire provides youth work projects and programmes, information, advice, guidance, work related learning, outdoor education and support for young people aged 13-19 (to 24 for young people with learning disabilities).
For young people leaving care, support is provided to the age of 21. |
Herts1125 is a group of young people who represent the views and opinions of those aged 11–25 who live, work or are educated in the county |
Essential support for under 25s |